Sunday, May 4, 2014

The life of Elizabeth I, going beyond…

Hello everyone!

This time I want to express my point of view about the biography of Elizabeth I had and what has that to do with her role as a leader of the England Empire.
Maybe you don’t know more deeply the story of her life, maybe no one will ever know it “that well”, because the history changes every time and every time you may find different versions. But what I will try to do is to deduce some facts of the “history” that we all now know about this Queen and what I think could be consequences of the way of govern that represented her.  
The history about Elizabeth that we all know was, in my opinion, very complicated; first of all, we can see all the family conflicts that she went through;  that her father Henry VIII married many women, one of them Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth’s mother, died by decapitation, because her husband Henry accused her of adultery and high treason. Why?
History tells us that he made that, because she birth Elizabeth, a woman child, and he wanted a boy to be the next King and also he wanted to marry another woman.  Then the King declared Elizabeth illegitimate.
Anne Boleyn died when Elizabeth was only 2 years old.

The bad news of the hard life of Elizabeth continues, but I want to stop here and make a reflection with this part that refers to the childhood of Elizabeth.
The thing of losing your mother in a very early age is very difficult and also to know that your father made that happened, is the double difficult.
She was also raised by someone that wasn’t her mother.
So in my opinion, to have to go through all this complicated moments makes you grow up very quickly and to learn about the reality, to know how some situations works; and here we can find a piece of what form Elizabeth.

Other circumstances that “construct” the Elizabeth’s personality  was that she became queen, when she was only 25 years old, and govern the whole Empire of England by herself. Moreover, in that moment England was in a kind of “crisis”, because of the religious discord, the bankrupt of the nation and also the people considered Elizabeth illegitimate. So it was a complex beginning.
Nevertheless, Elizabeth passed through all that troubles alone and could govern with relative stability and guide England to the “golden age”.

In conclusion I can say that the tough life that had lived Elizabeth made her the women that we studied as glorified, powerful, leader, and as a model to follow.
She lived lots of complicated moments in her life that made her grew up and to be a strongly and powerful women, who turn into the greatest monarch in English history.
Maybe all that problems made her to be the model Queen, which we are learning about now.

Are you agree with me of looking backward the life of the Queen Elizabeth I?

Is logical or do you believe that her character or the way of govern that she has was just a consequence of what she had to do in that moment as a queen?

I would like to know your opinion about this.
Here I post two websites where you may find more info about the biography of Elizabeth I (first one has also a video that explains better everything):

Hope you liked it!


  1. Hi Cata
    very good blog entry, I totally agree with you because I believe that essential part to form the character of Queen Isabel I, were the events that happened as a child. She was confronted early on to very strong acts, but even so I went ahead and became a great queen. Well get up an empire which was torn because she knew how to solve all the problems that dragged the empire.
    I loved your post! And I think the information is very complete :)

    1. Absolutely!

      It is nice to know that you got the idea, and you are right. Her period of reign was very difficult, but she could overcome very well her Empire.
      Also she is considered one of the most important queen that you may find in the England history.

      Thank you for your comment! :D
