Thursday, May 8, 2014

Elizabeth I: A Symbol Of Greatness

Hi everyone.

This post is about Elizabeth I and how she became one of the greatest womans in the world history.

Elizabeth I was the greatest queen of the history of England and Ireland, and maybe of the world. She is the most famous queen that ever lived; also she is a great cult character.
Her history tells us, how a woman can be an example of leadership, autonomy, greatness and power. She is the daughter of Enrique VIII and Anne Boleyn.
She established a protestant church separated from Rome ,This is one of the most important things that she do, because is the beginning of the Anglican Church who we know.

The reign of Elizabeth I was very prosperous, even thought the nobility and the bourgeoisie were the main beneficiaries, always advised by Sir Francis Walsingham and Sir William Cecil. She established the Anglicanism as the official religion. 
It is said that many wanted to kill Elizabeth I, to obtain the power. 
She spent her last years sad and lonely.

In my opinion, she is one of the most important woman in the history.
A woman who became Queen of England and Ireland, who have the power and the force to Head an Empire, a woman that dedicates all his life to his kingdom is a woman who deserves our respect and admiration



  1. I'm agree with you. when you say that Elizabeth I was one of the most important women of all times. I admire her strenght in the sense that she never let her country alone, and she was so involved with her role as a Queen that she deprived herself for her country even if this meant to be a lonely and sad woman.

    1. it's sad to be lonely for everyone. That's the reason why she is a symbol of admiration. A woman who was the power and the dedication that she had deserves to be part of the greatest history of the world.
