Thursday, March 27, 2014

"The sad reality"

Hello Everyone

I like this video music because gives a good message that make think of What is happening nowadays in our society. The name of the song is “What I've done”by the band Linkin park. The video was created based on real pictures and its mission to aware the society about the respect and love for our environment, for so then I regret or repent our actions .In the video we wonder , Are we really humans? Do we have feeling ?. Because human beings have a characteristic of being aware, and the pictures of the video totally contradict that tesis , because it demonstrates that our behavior is violent and wild,but do not perceive the damage goes against themselves. What more itself will attract the attention are the pictures and the strength of the music that goes according to topic.In the video different types of realities are demonstrated wich :abortion, war, extermination of endangered animals, death, the creation of disease, Spills of  petroleum , water pollution, global warming, nuclear testing. On the one hand it , may say everything related to topic but, on the other hand .It has been censored without expressing much because no sample strong pictures. But if you try to exhibit the present reality and makes a call to make a change.Through music it tries to send a message about self destruction and lack of empathy. Because God gave us a great mission: the union of the humankind in peace and harmony, although the varied or many possibilities that may exist among us. For peace begins with respect for others. 

I invite you to enjoy the video and think!

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