Friday, March 28, 2014



    Gogol Bordello is a Gipsy punk band from the Lower East Side of New York and formed in 1999. One of most known features of this band are their theatrical and frenetic presentations. Each members is from a different country, but the most of them are immigrants from the Eastern Europe.

   This video was created as a manifestation to promove immigrant's rights and caught my attention because it show us people from different countries living in the same place and working in jobs with low remunerations per their condition of immigrants. Also we can see how these people can live in communion despite their own manners and culture, which reveal us a good example of tolerance and diversity.

   To be honest, I love this song and for this reason I chose it, but I'd never considered the message which this video was trying to send to the audience until now. As members of society that we are, I think respect to others is really important for living together in community. Therefore I believe this initiative is a call to protect immigrant's rights, but not only of them, also rights of all minorities in any society.

    I hope you enjoy this great song!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

"Discrimination" . Kangaroo court , an amazing video.

I would like to share with you an interesting video that I found on the web, I say that I found it, because I didn't  know the group who did it , its name  is" capital cities", it is a North American group that was awarded at the MTV awards.

I will not address the biography of the group, nor the quality of the video, I think the most important is the message, the way that this video make to feel the people,   may be you see something different, any way as far as I'm concerned, this is an incredible video, it creates a powerful sense, it confronts us with the lowest of society, i.e. “the discrimination”. Perhaps the song’s lyrics is not very clear, however this video transmits something without precedent.

When I saw the video I thought in people living trying to fit into a society that is usually a closed society, then these people will ever fit and they haven't choices, so they must to remain what they have always been, or fight for a change towards acceptance, even if they die in the attempt, because sooner or later masks fall and   society don't forget it.
It is sad... but i think that people usually support this kind of behaviors; maybe they don't see it, so …

Can we do something about?  …Are we doomed to adapt ourselves all the time? Or… are we doomed to die like the sad zebra?.

Do not judge based on first impressions

After many days of thinking and trying to decide which of the many songs that I love I would use, I chose this song called "Stand by me" by the british band Oasis, mostly because of its video. I believe that gives us a really important message about prejudice and first impressions, which I think really fits the topics that we've seen so far in classes. 

This song was written by Noel Gallagher, and the video uses a serie of adverts called "The Whole Picture" in which we can see situations that lead you to think that people are doing bad things but as the video progresses you can see what was really going on. 

The message is really powerful: you can't judge someone just by the first impression that you get from them, you can't think bad of people because of the stereotypes that society has taught you, you can't discriminate based on overgeneralized opinions. 

This video shocked me the first time I saw it, because I thought bad of all those people, I judged them without really knowing. And at the end I felt awful because I realized that maybe I had been guilty of doing that to someone in real life, and on the contrary I also I felt glad because of the important lesson that I got from it: to stop judging and discriminating

So now I really hope you enjoy the video and I really want to know what did you think as you were watching it (or what did you think the first time you saw it if you had watched it previously). 

And I'll leave here my favourite verse from the song: Times are hard when things have got no meaning. (a verse that I usually use as a motto because I’m trying my best to give my life a meaning). 

Wind of Change...or I think so.

This song was written by Klaus Meine the vocalist of the group Scorpions one of the most importantly bands of hard rock and heavy metal of Germany, this song was made on september of 1989 and publication on march of 1991.

This video caught my attention because it takes many pictures of the Cold War and the Berlin Wall and this conflict was one of the most important in the world, because it marks a stage of separation of a nation so much politically like physically and this generate family and friends separations.

Also shows many images of social unrest and the fall of the Berlin Wall, along with images that are important icons like Mandela, Pope John Paul II and Gorbachev.

The people can understand this video of different form because, these images are not foreign to them and often there re-live events that they do not want to remember.

Some of the values that can be represented in this video can be the personal freedom as freedom of expression, and it delivers a point of view of which we can evolve to a world where the political separations do not limit our relations with different persons.

This song and video it was created because in this time (1989) there were lived many important changes, the abolition of the USSR, the unification of Germany and the most important fact the fall of the wall of Berlin and the group wanted to send a message of which the future could much better and which all these discords of the past were leaving themselves behind as recollections and to look towards at the future with eyes of change, of acceptance and pardon.

This video generates the following doubt:
 Is it possible to forget and leave behind so many years of repression and separation to give step to a future of unit and of conviviality as sibling?

"The sad reality"

Hello Everyone

I like this video music because gives a good message that make think of What is happening nowadays in our society. The name of the song is “What I've done”by the band Linkin park. The video was created based on real pictures and its mission to aware the society about the respect and love for our environment, for so then I regret or repent our actions .In the video we wonder , Are we really humans? Do we have feeling ?. Because human beings have a characteristic of being aware, and the pictures of the video totally contradict that tesis , because it demonstrates that our behavior is violent and wild,but do not perceive the damage goes against themselves. What more itself will attract the attention are the pictures and the strength of the music that goes according to topic.In the video different types of realities are demonstrated wich :abortion, war, extermination of endangered animals, death, the creation of disease, Spills of  petroleum , water pollution, global warming, nuclear testing. On the one hand it , may say everything related to topic but, on the other hand .It has been censored without expressing much because no sample strong pictures. But if you try to exhibit the present reality and makes a call to make a change.Through music it tries to send a message about self destruction and lack of empathy. Because God gave us a great mission: the union of the humankind in peace and harmony, although the varied or many possibilities that may exist among us. For peace begins with respect for others. 

I invite you to enjoy the video and think!

We only got one world.

Hello everyone, 

I have picked this video called Where is the love from the pop group, The Black Eyed Peas, and I know that most of you already know it.
This song focus on one of the minorities that you can find in the USA, like discrimination, terrorism (The Bloods, The Crips and the KKK), the intolerance, the disrespect to the other, selfishness and the inequiality. All this entails hate, anger and ire, that keeps the love off. So that is the reason of the name of the song, Where is the love? 

This is the question that we all make when we see this madness and that those horrible things are happening in our world, where people hurts the other without thinking in the consequences.
This 3 groups that I already mentioned are an example of the violence. The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) is a gang very extremist with white nacionalist racism and they committed acts of violence against African-American people. 

I really like the song and the first time I saw it I felt very emotional, because I was little and I was getting to know that the world has a bad side too.
I like that the video shows images that complements the lyric of the song. Always searching for the love, putting this papers with the symbol: ?

This song also criticised the media, saying that it does not show us the truth and also the cinema that influences the kids. And I agree whit that, cause the media shows us lots of things and hide a lot of things too. In the other part the movies open the minds of the children, so they act like what they see.
It is hard to make a change when you find all this mess. But we that knows that this is not alright, have to start know making a change by different ways. Little things can change big things, I always think.

So I start thinking, we all should take care and be respectful with the other, love the other, because he is your brother. Where is the unity and the fairness of the people. 
Like the song says,

"you gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of yur mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all"

Hope that you have enjoyed it! 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Time runs too fast! least for me

Hi guys! This is one of my favourite songs and I wanted to share it with you. It was written by Julian Casablancas, vocalist of The Strokes –I can’t hide how surprised I am- and the video was directed by Samuel Bayer . 

           As we can see, the video is not very impressive –except for the shootings from rooftops of skyscrapers for those who are acrophobic-. We have no colours, just black and white. A lot of people walk very fast on their own meanwhile a guy is stuck on the floor.  Maybe that is why I like it, it is simple and accurate. We live everyday like the others, the same routine. We don’t look to people by our side, we are complete strangers in places where we don’t fit sometimes.  We move fast without enjoying what we do, because if we don’t hurry up, the mass will catch us. We are going to get caught and that is what the song wants to tell us. We are caught and we need to break free somehow. In a world where everything is a competition, in no one we trust. 

           Some people just like the way they live, maybe they enjoy the modern times and they will  say this video is exaggerating and exempting good things that modernity brings us. Some people enjoy living in the city and its accelerated pulse but not everybody likes the same things. 

I just want to finish with two verses of the song:
             "...See I'm stuck in a city
              But I belong in a field..."

And I've got a little question for you... Where do you think you belong to? 
              I hope you enjoy the song, greetings !