Friday, May 30, 2014

Black Panthers: The force of the African-American people.

Hello again today I going to talk about the black panthers and some of their history, what kind of thing they did for help black people, in whom they were inspired, and why they dissolved, I hope you enjoy my entry and give me a comment after read this.

The Black Panther Party was an important group of black people in United States of America, it was founded on octover of 1966 by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland, California and they ideology was defend the black people against the white people attacks.

This group was inspired by the ideals of Malcolm X and was formed after his death, they took to the practice the ideals of Malcolm X, Malcolm X said black should help themselves and violence was necessary when you were fighting for your rights.

They said black people need guns to protect from white people and they had many confront with police for that, also they did a lot of thing for help black people, things like breakfast program for children, opened schools in poor black neighbourhoods, donate clothes for black people, clinics for people and the fight against drugs and classes of law, economics, self-defense and first aid.

They dissolved because after many of battles with the police of united states one of the leader and founder was arrested, Newton was put into prison after he killed a white police officer, in 1969 the FBI declared public enemy number one to the Black Panthers and with the arrest of Newton these are the most important factor for the dissolved of the black phanters.

I think this group help to African-Americans proud of their origin. What do you think about this group? Do you agree with they pro-violence method ? why or why not?

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